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Михаил Петров Litera Аннотация писателяVictor World and Nicolas Ives, who remained after the accident, went to look for a way out of the city, and during the trip they draw conclusions, fight bad people, even if not always in the right ways. Mr. World's last memories 5K 8/10/2019 10:02:24 Боевое фэнтези, Теги: English Darly everywhere

Михаил Петров Litera Аннотация писателяStrange land, where the characters do illogical actions. Walter Berrow created the new name - Jack Wober. Originally from Darly 27K 11/03/2019 09:03:03 Подростковая проза, Теги: English Darly everywhere

Михаил Петров Litera Аннотация писателяA difficult and at the same time simple circumstance happens in Darly city. rnJack Waiton is trying to unravel the mystery of Walter Berrow with the help of psychologist Elizabeth Roide. Darley-city. Originally from Darley 34K 30/04/2019 07:07:11 Попаданцы в другие миры, Теги: English Darly everywhere

Михаил Петров Litera Аннотация писателяElizabeth Roide escaped from reality to the land of wonders, but when she met Queen of Hearts, she didn`t know about Wonderland`s broken contrisides. Her friends, Patrick Earrle, Lewis Sheggington and Bengalius Cheshkerston, try to save one. Wonderful adventures. Elizabeth Roide 63K 7/03/2019 06:50:47 Боевое фэнтези, Теги: English Darly everywhere

Михаил Петров Litera Аннотация писателяIvies is a family in which all topics of life were perceived with great attention, but Alex, having matured and becoming a photographer, decided them himself, otherwise everything would have looked absurd. rnJack Waiton is a true friend, and just had to make the right move. Waiton`s alternative 53K 19/04/2019 04:33:26 Приключенческий роман, Теги: English Darly everywhere

Михаил Петров Litera Аннотация писателяI wrote the unusual texts, and think now, what this can be helper for others. Just read.rnWalter Berrow and his brother leaved the terrible word of their hopes, and they could be, maybe, begin the new life, but they don`t waited the changes. Creature of my logic 21K 2/04/2019 07:45:27 Антиутопия, Теги: English Darly everywhere

Михаил Петров Litera Аннотация писателяIvies is a family in which all topics of life were perceived with great attention, but Alex, having matured and becoming a photographer, decided them himself, otherwise everything would have looked absurd. rnJack Waiton is a true friend, and just had to make the right move. Darley-city. Waiton`s alternative 66K 8/05/2019 06:02:34 Приключенческий роман, Теги: English Darly everywhere